Jordan Marine Services have a fleet of floating marine plant, crane barges and excavators available for all types of marine contract and for separate charter. Through our experience gained over 12 years we are well placed to offer a variety of floating plant services for all kinds of marine applications.
We regularly utilize our workboats and barges as platform for our diving operations, marine civil engineering and moorings works and are able to take on contracts with particular marine plant requirements due to the range of interchangeable equipment we have.
The availability of this range of equipment and marine plant is what makes JMS such successful marine and diving contractors. In our years of experience we have come across a very wide range of situations, each requiring innovative and practical solutions. The marine plant we have available today has been acquired to meet the most diverse range of marine and diving contracts possible. Flexibility is the key to our effectiveness as is having the right equipment for the job.
The floating marine plant and equipment we are able to offer includes:
- Self propelled barge L12 x W 5.5 mtr with 2 tons crane
- High speed Fiber glass working boat L 10 mtr
- Fiber glass service boat L 4.5 mtr